Roberto Ambrosoli (Milan, 1942 - Turin, 2020), Agrarian Microbiology professor at the University of Turin, began his anarchist militancy in the late Fifties, together with Amedeo Bertolo. The two would found the Gruppi Giovanili Anarchici Federati (GGAF) – which would later become Gruppi Anarchici Federati (GAF) – in the Sixties. Still with Bertolo, he participated in various publishing ventures – such as “Materialismo e libertà”, “A rivista anarchica”, “Interrogations”, “Volontà”, publishing house Antistato – and is among the founders of Centro Studi Libertari / Archivio Giuseppe Pinelli. He also was a Karate master and a tireless cartoonist, notable for the creation of Anarchik, the enemy of the State, a beloved character who would be reclaimed by anarchists internationally. In his untiring work as a translator for publishing house elèuthera he tackled works by Chomsky, Bookchin, Ward and Scott, among others; he also authored numerous essays for the anarchist press, notably for “A” and “Volontà”. After decades of silence, he had again in the last few years taken up drawing vignettes featuring Anarchik, who meanwhile had gotten older, much the same as his creator.